Saturday, May 10, 2008


My name is Shabiha Sheela Yousuf, and I’m a recent landed immigrant in Canada. I’ve completed my MSS in Political Science, BA in Social Science and HSC/SSC in General Sciences from Bangladesh. I live in with my family in the NW part of the city.

I want to get into an under graduate program for which the EAP program is one of the requirements and would also strengthen my English communication skills.

I want to major in nursing because I love helping people and I take interest in health sciences.

I want to become some kind of professional in health sciences or medicine.

I like to surf on the net, watch TV and movies, do music, play computer games, cook, play badminton and gardening in my spare time.

Outside of class, I converse with my friends and family in English, watch English programs on TV, read the newspaper and try to think I English.

This is the only course I’ve signed up for this term. I’ve never taken any English courses before.

In my opinion English is relatively easy language to learn, but its most difficult part is mastering the verbal accent.

The hardest parts of going to college are managing one’s time and prioritizing the tasks that need to be completed on time.

As compared to other languages, English grammar is reasonably easy to learn.

I think I need the help in speaking, listening and sentence structure. And I also need to improve my writing skills.

I hope that I’ll reach all of my goals.

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